

A Downright Bad Day 

Couldn't sleep because of cold. Didn't have more than one working nostril out of which to breathe (this is due to mucus flowing down one nasal passage into the other, as we learned it can do in my last post). On top of that, wisdom teeth are growing in, so my palette is moving, which encouraged me to revisit my retainer after months and months. The pain of my shifting teeth woke me up several times.

So after 6 mediocre hours of sleep (following a terribly disappointing movie - Wisegirls. Great acting on the main 3 char. parts, but lighting and composition like I don't know what. Let's not even discuss the writing), I am forced to take an oily bath (my shower's busted and Mom's husband will never finish repairing it), prepare my bike for takeoff to the train, freak out cuz I've once again lost my keys, guiltily ask Mom for a ride to the station 2 blocks away (gas prices are high, I'm getting heavier, despise sloth).

I found my keys in my bag, pressing more guilt. Fall asleep on the train, take the Times Square Shuttle to training (the TS crowd is enough to drive Richard Simmons to depression), sit in payroll training with a happy-go-lucky instructor that keeps making jokes about the boring goings-on of the generic Office.

Try to Shop during Lunch Hour (so disoriented- I work through lunches at my job), but Macy's is frightening and Zara is disappointing (pants I got in France for 30E are $70?!) Got out of training early, spoke with a Quebecois fellow trainee in Franglish, walked to work to heed to my stressing out boss, got some bad company news, nay, scary company news, and called it a day.

Fell asleep on the train ride home, worrying about my boss and company, booming headache and teeth lead me to take the bus home rather than hiking 3 miles. Soon realized it was rush hour and that all the illiterate crazies in Stamford must have been packed onto my bus. One tubby Brooklyn-accented fellow slurred out sports statistics to a responding, grating-voiced bus driver as we sat still in traffic.

Finally got home with a worse headache, unfortunately to be ungreeted by my Mom's husband. That's enough to fuck up any day in itself. And that's where I'll leave it.

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